It is time to tell the whole truth about Adopt-A-Horse.
Adopt-A-Horse has been on a 20-year journey to help victims of child sex crimes with therapy dogs and horses.
Adopt-A-Horse has been on a 20-year journey to help victims of child sex crimes with therapy dogs and horses.
Horion Family Treachery Page Tells Survivors the Truth!
Horion Family Treachery (zorrow.org)
Our horses provided the glue that kept our rape crisis center open for 18 years. Our rescue horses and ponies offered a deep therapeutic offering that helped us to hide our mission to help rape victims in plain sight. The horses and working dogs were the backbone of our efforts to help rape victims for all these years. Our critters were responsible for 100% of our funding for all these years.
We received not one dollar in donations or one hour in labor from any member of my immediate or extended family in the twenty years of my missionary operation. Our efforts were supported by strangers that learned of our efforts during the normal operation of our horse ranch. In spite of enormous efforts to shut us down by local officials, we have remained open to this day.
The picture shown above is my childhood picture from the days when my second cousin, Father Francis Talbot, tried to rape me. I knew that speaking out would have severe repercussions since I was a child. My silence would have been required to be accepted by my family.
After my father's death in 2002, Francis was in the news in my hometown of Manchester, NH. He had been suspended but not dismissed as a working priest. I decided to come forward to help one of his victims, clarify his sexual history as a child molester, and send him to prison to stop his reign of terror against children.
When I came out publicly in the newspaper, my mother contacted me to scold me for trying to ruin the family name. She said I was never given to her first cousin by my parents, and she speculated that my efforts were a money grab from the Catholic Church. She never spoke to me again prior to her death over twenty years later.
My family sent my brother-in-law, Michael Lee, to speak to me about stopping my efforts to help other survivors of child sex crimes. He suggested I focus on going back to my Custom Clothing Business. My efforts to help survivors made my mother, Beatrice Horion uncomfortable.
I told him that I was experiencing suicidal depression and that my life depended on my finding a new way to cope with debilitating depression. He said my abuse happened a long time ago. I just need to get over it. I explained that my silence as a young man resulted in numerous children being raped for decades.
I have not heard from him or any member of my family for twenty years. My Foundation, Adopt-A-Horse, Inc. has been my way to help victims of child sex crimes with therapy horses. My missionary work helped me to overcome depression while helping other survivors of child sex crimes.
I recently was contacted about the death on my mother. I was told that I received a nominal amount of money in her will. I am contesting this outcome since my parents had made provisions for my two sisters and myself to receive an equal share of their legacy. Both my sisters have retained attorneys to represent their interests in dividing their spoils. My greedy sisters are fighting over the money from our family legacy.
This nonsense may result in civil or criminal court cases before this is done. The Horion Family Treachery page (link below) on my advocacy web site is going to be the court of updated public opinion news. Survivors need to know the consequences of coming out publicly against their abuser. We are fortunate to receive generous financial and emotional support every day. Sometimes the smallest gestures of good will and support are the greatest gifts to our efforts to help victims of child sex crimes.
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Dennis Horion, also known as Zorrow https://zorrow.org/, is an advocate for victims of child sex crimes. He is associated with Adopt-A-Horse, a non-profit organization that helps horses, dogs, and victims of child sex crimes1. Dennis’s mission involves transitioning victims from their traumatic experiences to becoming survivors. Interestingly, horses play a significant role in this effort, helping to intimidate public officials and sexual predators in the pursuit of justice and healing1.
On a different note, let’s delve into the fictional realm. Zorro, whose name means “fox” in Spanish, is a legendary masked vigilante. Created by American pulp writer Johnston McCulley in 1919, Zorro roams the streets of 19th-century Los Angeles, defending the oppressed and fighting for justice. His secret identity is Don Diego de la Vega, the son of the wealthy landowner Don Alejandro de la Vega. Zorro’s adventures unfold in the Pueblo of Los Angeles in Alta California, where he leaves his mark with daring escapades and swashbuckling flair23.
Whether it’s Dennis Horion advocating for real-world justice or Zorro donning his mask to fight for the downtrodden, both embody the spirit of standing up against injustice.
Please contribute to our horses feed fund below.
Sunshine was a young horse when she joined us 15 years ago. She was a reluctant trainee for two years. Once a generous volunteer trained her to ride the trails, she started learning to drive. She has been the primary cart horse leading our tours for years. She is a great horse in both riding and driving.
007 came to us from a local auction. He was donated by a generous family. We told their young girl that he was doing undercover work before he came to us. He has continued his long history of working undercover to help victims of child sex crimes. He is a talented horse both under saddle and driving a cart.
A family is the sum total of the strength of its members. When one family member falls the others take up the cause. No one member offered excuses or anger when we were tested. We all stood up for our mission helping each other and victims of child sex crimes. We are in mourning for the loss of long-time members of our family. We all came together when we were no longer welcomed in our old circumstances.
Our horses and victims of crime are needed now more than ever. The new Federal law eliminating the statute of limitations for suing child molesters has created new opportunities for justice. We encourage you to follow our efforts to help victims of child sex crimes. The Johnson Crime Family's greed has consequences for our horses and victims of crime.
Dennis has been working to help rescue horses and child sex crimes victims for 20 years. Coral recently celebrated her tenth her 10-year with the program.
A large group of volunteers and supporters donated time or money or both. Adopt-A-Horse was a product of hard manual labor and tours for approximately 8,000 paying clients. Dennis and Coral worked these tours together. We are partners,
Our family of horses lived, trained, and worked together as a team for over fifteen years. Our donations were a result of people learning about our mission through our horses.
In addition to their hard work, they helped victims of child sex crimes with emotional support. Our family of horses gave victims a reason to continue seeking support without dwelling on their childhood sexual assault
Our ponies worked with our horses for over fifteen years. They were all cross trained to drive carts. Driving a cart allowed them to help both children and adults.
Our ponies worked trail rides, provided therapy to victims of crime, and hauled all the equipment needed to maintain the 176 acres of our land lease. They were the hardest working horses in the program.
We have continued our prog
Adopt-A-Horse started as a vision to help public and private organizations help victims of child sex crimes. A reporting victim has to manage conflicting issues between parents, police, forensic therapists, child protective services, county prosecutors, civil attorneys and parole officers. Our goal was to provide a location that helped victims get advice and coordinated support for justice against their abuser.
A young child has no hope of finding justice against their abuser without someone capable of pressuring the process to work for them. The current system has little incentive to convict a child rapist. Convictions rate are 10% or less in most jurisdictions. A child reporting their abuse is treated like the problem in the conversation. Children have virtually no one in the process without a financial incentive to look the other way.
It became clear early in our time in Covington that our chance of being successful would not be helped by the local law enforcement or child welfare organizations. We made a conscious decision early in our existence to refuse any public funds. We did not want to compromise our victims of crime with money to fund our organization.
We have maintained our independence at great cost to our organization. We can look in the mirror with our head held high. Our mission has not been compromised by public officials or taxpayer money. We are proud to represent victims of child sex crimes without compromising our integrity.
During the course of 2003, I received a financial settlement from both my cousin and the NH Diocese. These funds gave me the seed money needed to set up a physical location and setup my nonprofit Foundation.
After extensive negotiations, The Johnson family signed a thirty-year lease for 176 acres of land. The lease included land on both sides of Johnson Terrace in Covington, Georgia. Approximately 30 acres of the land was weeds with the balance being recently logged woodland. Most of the property was impassable due to the debris while the balance was a large poorly maintained cut area. The property had very little fencing, no water or utilities, and no fire breaks. The property had no plan to meet the conservation tax break being claimed by the Johnson family.
Over the last 18 years, we created a rape crisis program that was self-sustaining with a combination of riding tours and donations. We were hiding our real work for victims by offering riding tours on the renovated property. No one knew which visitors were rape victims and which were paying clients. We encouraged rape victims and their families to tell anyone asking about their association with us to tell people that they were volunteering to help the rescue horses. It proved to be a reliable cover story for all involved.
We managed the property for the first fifteen years. We got the DNR to make a formal plan to get the property in compliance with the conservancy tax break. We installed over 6500 feet of fence lines. We installed utilities including water, electricity, and internet with a camping trailer and storage buildings for our horse operation. We built a herd of ponies and horses with equipment for riding and driving over the years. All the horses received training, a job, and the stability of a good family with loving handlers. The horses lived at the property until their death mainly of old age in their thirties.
Valentino is still MIA!
We arrived in Covington with a vision to help victims of child sex crimes. Our efforts were appreciated since the community was receiving services without any contributions from local government agencies. Our efforts presented services without consequences or financial support.
We offered our services to public agencies across Newton County. The Police Chief of Oxford asked us to work with a 13-year-old boy with behavioral issues. I asked if he was a victim of child sex crimes. I was told he was not a confirmed victim. He was being forced to live with a registered sex offender that was not his biological father. I asked if this was a common practice in the community. I was told there were 23 children being forced to live with sex offenders that were not biological family members.
It was obvious that he would probably disclose some active abuse once he was with us. I began going to each of the appropriate public agencies to identify services offered to young men in his circumstances. My questions were deeply troubling, and the answers were either vague or not answered at all.
It became obvious we were targeted for asking the hard questions. Our fence lines were cut, and horses were on the street 36 times over the next two years. Valentino (pictured above) was eventually stolen on the fourth attempt to steal a horse. Netposse.com located him In Florida. The Sheriff Department purposely refused to bring him back. He was moved under very suspicious circumstances.
All three Atlanta television stations featured his theft for an entire week. The entire episode was the community's way of deterring our efforts on behalf of victims of child sex crimes. We never stopped representing victims with aggressive advocacy efforts at no cost to the people we represented. We are still offering our help to this day.
No Justice / No Peace
Twenty years ago, I decided to come out against my second cousin, Father Francis Talbot, for his seven-year effort to abuse me as a boy from the age of 7-12 years old. I told my story to help one of his victims who was seeking financial compensation from Francis. In addition, he was working to get Francis incarcerated for his crimes against him. I came forward to testify about his history as a child molester.
I contacted the victim's lawyer to confirm my willingness to testify on his behalf. I contacted the Manchester, NH Police Department to file an official criminal case against Franics, and I contacted the New Hampshire Catholic Diocese to confirm that he was a child molester. The New Hampshire Diocese had suspended him as a priest even though multiple victims had come forward with allegations of child rape.
When I was a college student, I worked as a Transportation Officer at the Juvenile Detention facility for the State of New Hampshire. At the end of this job, I saw Francis on the property. When he saw me, he ran from me for fear of consequences from his abusive behavior. I asked the administration about his role at the institution. I confirmed he was the chaplain for the incarcerated children. I said nothing and his behavior continued due to my silence. I became deeply depressed knowing my silence was responsible for his abusing young boys for the next thirty years.
The penance I gave myself for this silence was the decision to help victims of crime with the skills I acquired as a public administrator in the criminal justice system. I wanted to create a safe place where victims would find an advocate along with the help of therapy horses. My extensive experience with horses and the criminal justice system led to the start of a twenty-year journey called Adopt-A-Horse.
Horses and victims of crime suffer in silence. Horses came to us from homes where they were no longer welcomed. Survivors of child sex crimes suffer their history in silence. A safe place for horses and survivors to help each other has been an amazing place for helping people and horses. Adopt-A-Horse.org has been the story of horses and dogs helping victims of crime. Zorrow.org is the story of Dennis Horion's advocacy efforts for victims seeking justice. Zorrow was the hidden role needed against a system of abusive politicians and bureaucrats failing child molestation victims at every turn. Please press the link below to find out more about our advocacy role for the last twenty years.
The Johnson Family gave our therapy horse's home to hunters to kill wild game. Liars, cheaters, and thieves have stolen our land lease. Rape victims and therapy horses lose their safe haven to these killers. We encourage you to follow this story on our advocacy web site by going to the link below.
We are working to raise the money to bring our family to a new home. We are going to court to seek damages from the people responsible for stealing our lease. The process starts now!
Richard Promises Security Against Outside Rascals
Richard Saturday
50 Horseshoe Court
Covington, GA 30014
Notice of Intent to Sue
July 8,2023
Dear Richard,
You are a liar, thief, cheater, and emotionally unstable man with high powered weapons. I was responsible for overseeing your hunting contract on the Johnson property in Covington, GA. Your deteriorating behavior over several years forced me to refuse to renew your access to the Johnson property for hunting. We warned Horace about your unacceptable antics before his death. We warned his surviving family members of your moral and unhinged shortcomings after his death.
We have numerous emails and recorded telephone conversations with Horace and Bryant detailing our concerns. We will publish the emails and phone calls on my websites and social media forums. We feel it is important to give individuals and businesses ample proof of your moral and emotional shortcomings. Everyone will get the full range of problems associated with your presence in their space. No need to thank us, we do this as a public service to the community.
Since you and John Jessup conspired together to steal our land lease with the Johnson family, we will sue both of you in civil court. Since both of you live in different counties, you will be sued separately. The effort is a necessary inconvenience to address the financial harm your behavior has cost my Foundation’s rescue horses and rape victims. You will pay for your treachery against us. You need to be held liable in a public setting for your behavior. Your family needs to be aware of the man that has put their financial future at risk so you can kill some animals.
The list of ignorant nonsense is too long for this letter. We are going to save it for our websites, media forums, and your civil court appearance. Your messages telling of the harrowing tale of your chasing poachers while poaching yourself was a clear indication of all my concerns about you. The best test of stupid was your text of November 28, 2020, which stated, “Cross the street was shooting towards our way”. This last communication between us and the property manager three months after your hunting lease had been terminated was a fitting illustration of our need to get rid of you.
You have a full-time job at a large veterinary practice, and a part time job at a different local veterinary practice. The last time you were paying your annual fee for hunting privileges, John Jessup paid your fees for you. You clearly need more income to support your family. I feel comfortable that you saw our difficult departure under a corrupt court order as an opportunity to profit from our departure. You may have envisioned taking over our riding program. You may have thought about expanding veterinary practice into a large animal operation. You expressed your opinion that our operation could make more money. It was all a series of unrealized dreams beyond your grasp.
Every time you said something about the property, I took photos of your claims. These photos will reveal your inability to tell the truth. I have numerous emails, recordings, and text messages about you that will be released publicly. It is my obligation to inform anyone who relies on you to know the real story in advance. It is going to be an ugly story of your moral character over the years.
Documents and Depositions
I encourage you to avoid making it difficult to have the courts evaluate the merits of my civil case against you. You will be forced to submit documents and sit for a deposition prior to our final court date. You can waste a lot of time and money avoiding the inevitable or we can get the evidence collected as quickly as possible. It will be hard for all your coconspirators to keep their stories straight. Any lies can result in criminal charges of lying under oath.
Item #1
We need your copy of every contract for hunting privileges from day one. We saw you touring the property with John and a Johnson family member last year on July 14, 2022. We want a copy of any agreement you have signed with any member of the Johnson family to date. You made claims about our prior agreements that do not reflect anything in my signed documents.
After Horace’ death, you and John spoke directly with the Johnson family about taking my lease. The family tried to force me to sign a new lease. In their proposed lease, they made explicit mention of work that both of you offered in return for forcing me into a new lease. I want to know the exact offer you made to the family in return for taking over my lease. You need to inform me of any written or oral agreements offered or made during these discussions. I also want any offers of additional work beyond the terms of our earlier agreements made in the last year.
We have made numerous recordings of Horace Johnson Jr. prior to his death. We knew he was prepared to use his influence to enforce any action against us. He also stated that our agreement required my approval. He felt comfortable going against our contract because he told us he was selfish. His legacy has been tarnished by his family on your behalf.
Item #2
I want any communications between you, John, Horace, or any other Johnson family member since you began hunting on the Johnson property. I want copies of all emails, letters, and text messages included in this communication request.
Item #3
My lease required me to develop a long-term land management plan to keep the Johnson family property in conservancy. As part of this effort, I found Public Grant money to fund the implementation of this plan. Horace managed $2,000 and $4,800 grants. He failed to manage this effort in spectacular fashion.
The $4,800 grant prompted Horace to meet with John, myself, and you to discuss our ideas in the proposal. Horace spoke with us in a conference call to discuss his reluctance to accept the grant because of his inability to finance the payment of the grant contractors without John’s help. John agreed to finance the work and wait for the State of Georgia to reimburse him for his invoice on the contracted work.
It was clear from the first day the actual work started that neither you nor John had any intention of completing the work as discussed in our meetings. You clearly stated your intention to waste the money and not complete the work as discussed. I met with Horace on the first day of the work and discussed in detail the problem with the work not meeting the written proposal. The private work he requested was to be paid with public grant money.
I told Horace that I had no intention of being involved with any misappropriation of public money. He told me that he would take over all aspects of managing the property from that day forward.
I want all communications between you, John, and his contractors on this $4,800 grant money. I want copies of all invoices to both Horace, the State of Georgia, John’s contractors, and canceled checks with copies of both front and rear views. I want to add these documents to my numerous emails when I ask representatives the State of Georgia to testify about this theft of public funds. If John’s company was involved in this misappropriation of public funds, we are going to include his company in this lawsuit.
You have thirty days to provide us with the requested documents and schedule a videotaped deposition. We are asking for a signed and notarized sworn statement attesting to the facts in the documents you provide. Any failure to provide a complete copy of everything requested will be seen as a failure to comply in the court's eyes.
I will be posting our records on numerous public forums about these civil proceedings. You will not need to ask for the requested information since I will be publishing it on both my web sites and all social media in real time.
Dennis Horion
Johnson Crime Family (zorrow.org)
Newton Citizen's Review (zorrow.org)
We are working to raise the money to bring our family to a new home. We are going to court to seek damages from the people responsible for stealing our lease. The process starts now!
Walton County Wanker Robs Rape Victims and Rescue Horses
Mr. John Jessup
Walton County School Board
Alcovy Builders, Inc.
2834 Horseshoe Road
Loganville, GA 30052
Notice of Intent to Sue
July 3, 2023
Dear John,
You are a professional parasite. You have made a career of profiting from other people's accomplishments. As a glorified bookkeeper, you are a necessary financial burden to the real creators of products and services. You stole 18 years of our work with a bribe to the Johnson Crime Family.
You contracted to hunt from a project created to help victims of child sex crimes with rescue horses. During your time with us you lied, cheated, and stole everything you could. Your efforts were to the detriment of your hunting partner, the property owner, and our non-profit organization.
You are accustomed to looking for a way to escape paying your fair share of a group effort. Your word as a man meant nothing. You worked to avoid doing anything of value to everyone involved. You were always out for yourself no matter the task at hand. It is obvious that you have not paid the price for your behavior.
We are putting you on notice that we intend to bring you to civil court to answer for your part in a conspiracy to steal my land lease with the Johnson Crime family. Your efforts resulted in our horses being homeless and closing a rape crisis program being hidden in plain sight. In addition to this civil suit, we will be holding you up to scrutiny in the court of public opinion.
Your story will be told on both of my web sites. Your story will also be shared on our Facebook pages and many other social media mediums. You will share space with the rescue animals that lost their forever home due to your efforts. In addition, you will be featured alongside an extensive list of rapists, child molesters, public service grifters, and douche bag lawyers.
Included in our postings will be the people and organizations around you that are unaware of your behavior. We feel it is our obligation to inform unsuspecting people about your propensity to hurt rescue horses and victims of child sex crimes. If these people continue to work with you, we will expose them for their complicit acceptance of your behavior. Our efforts are a public service to unsuspecting victims of your lack of moral integrity. No need to thank us, we owe this to you.
You had several people help you in your efforts to make our horses homeless and close a rape crisis program. Since you operate from a different county than your fellow conspirators, we will be suing you separately from the others. We will use their testimony to complete the coordinated efforts to steal from myself and my Foundation. Their documents and depositions will be used in the cases in Newton. We will bring you into their case as a witness to the entire effort to steal our land lease. Liars tend to have a difficulty keeping their stories straight. We will be looking for any differences in each of your testimony for any criminal charges of lying under oath during the entire process.
Parasites try to survive by hiding in difficult locations behind their attorneys. I suspect you have just the legal legend in mind to beat us to the ground with his dazzling knowledge of the rule of law and court procedure. He will take the case with great fanfare and stern letters and court filings. He will assure you that he will get us to pay his bills for flogging us for your entertainment. We have spotlighted every opposing lawyer on our websites along with their benefactors. You can assure your lawyer that they will join you in being featured right alongside you everywhere you are being discussed. Our experience has shown that lawyers fire their clients after being featured alongside the same degenerates you will be joining.
We can get this rodeo started with the documents we need to prove our assertions against you and your fellow conspirators. In some cases, you will be the defendant while others we may require your appearance as a witness. I suggest you provide me with the requested documents to avoid any unnecessary additional financial exposure.
You may want to shade the truth as usual, but it would take a complete trust that everyone in the process will continue to hold the lies in this conspiracy. When faced with charges of lying under oath, people tend to find God and the truth. The first one with the truth gets the deal from prosecutors.
Item #1
We need your copy of every contract for hunting privileges from day one. We saw you touring the property with Richard and a Johnson family member last year on July 14, 2022. We want a copy of any agreement you have signed with any member of the Johnson family to date. You made claims about our prior agreements that do not reflect anything in my signed documents.
After Horace’ death, you and Richard spoke directly with the Johnson family about taking my lease. The family tried to force me to sign a new lease. In their proposed lease, they made explicit mention of work that both of you offered in return for forcing me into a new lease. I want to know the exact offer you made to the family in return for taking over my lease. You need to inform me of any written or oral agreements offered or made during these discussions. I also want any offers of additional work beyond the terms of our earlier agreements made in the last year.
We have made numerous recordings of Horace Johnson Jr. prior to his death. We knew he was prepared to use his influence to enforce any action against us. He also stated that our agreement required my approval. He felt comfortable going against our contract because he told us he was selfish. His legacy has been tarnished by his family on your behalf.
Item #2
I want any communications between you, Richard, Horace, or any other Johnson family member since you began hunting on the Johnson property. I want copies of all emails, letters, and text messages included in this communication request.
Item #3
My lease required me to develop a long-term land management plan to keep the Johnson family property in conservancy. As part of this effort, I found Public Grant money to fund the implementation of this plan. Horace managed $2,000 and $4,800 grants. He failed to manage this effort in spectacular fashion.
The $4,800 grant prompted Horace to meet with Richard, myself, and you to discuss our ideas in the proposal. Horace spoke with us in a conference call to discuss his reluctance to accept the grant because of his inability to finance the payment of the grant contractors without your help. You agreed to finance the work and wait for the State of Georgia to reimburse him for his invoice on the contracted work.
It was clear from the first day the actual work started that neither you nor Richard had any intention of completing the work as discussed in our meetings. Richard clearly stated his intention to waste the money and not complete the work as discussed. I met with Horace on the first day of the work and discussed in detail the problem with the work not meeting the written proposal. The private work he requested was to be paid with public grant money.
I told Horace that I had no intention of being involved with any misappropriation of public money. He told me that he would take over all aspects of managing the property from that day forward.
I want all communications between you, your company, and your contractors on this $4,800 grant money. I want copies of all invoices to both Horace, the State of Georgia, your contractors, and canceled checks with copies of both front and rear views. I want to add these documents to my numerous emails when I ask representatives the State of Georgia to testify about this theft of public funds. If your company was involved in this misappropriation of public funds, we are going to include your company in this lawsuit.
Item #4
Your hunting contract was for you, your hunting partner, and your children. One day a man came into our pasture to hunt with your permission. Not only did he have a key to our pasture gates, but he said you allowed him to hunt the property regularly. I contacted your hunting partner, and he was not aware you were routinely allowing a poacher on the property. I told you our dogs were doing their job by cornering him in front of us.
You said he did not have to answer our questions about his presence on the property with high power weapons without our knowledge and approval. When we told you of the danger he faced due to our dogs, you told us he was authorized to kill our animals if he was in danger. He was poaching on our active pastures with your permission.
We want his contact information including name, address, phone number, and email address. We want to call him as a witness in our civil suit against you.
Current Status
I took pictures of the Johnson property on June 30, 2023, from public roads. It is obvious that the place is turning into an unkempt weed patch. I doubt the Johnson family is proud of the decision to remove us from the property. I doubt your business partners are going to be happy that we are going to place a claim against your performance bond company about the work done on the $4,800 contract.
Please forward all the requested information with a sworn statement signed with a notary confirming your signature. We want this information to be provided in the next thirty days. I will not communicate with you or your representative until I receive the requested information. If you do not provide us with the requested information voluntarily, we will seek assistance from the court to compel the delivery of the requested information.
I will be posting this correspondence online as a service to the community that you have hurt with your actions.
Dennis Horion
Johnson Crime Family (zorrow.org)